Suddenly... at the Science Fair!: Water, It's Everywhere!
Written by Jim Cartwright
Edited by Jay Goldberg

Panel 1. CARTER widely grins as she tries to hand out pamphlets to passersby. Her table is littered with different shapes of bottled water. Her diagram:

Title: “Water it’s everywhere!” Middle section: a picture of the ocean, text “Aliases: H2O, hydro, Wasser, Disani” Left section: Text “Fun Facts! Water can turn into Ice” with picture of an ice block. Text “Uses: drinking, swimming, washing cars, fishing, soda, rain” Right section: Text “Where does water come from?” and picture of a faucet, shower head, swimming pool, water cooler; Text: “types of water: salt, regular”

CARTER: Water, water everywhere, so have yourself a drink!

Panel 2. Move closer in on Carter.

CARTER: I have conclusive evidence that water is everywhere: having journeyed the county far and wide, I have discovered water in lakes, streams, puddles, and public pools…

CARTER: …free samples!

Panel 3. A crowd, including Principal Judge, rushes over to Carter’s table; samples go flying. Carter squeezes her head out over the crowd.

CARTER: Water is well-known for making things wet, but don’t worry; my experiments will show that even the nastiest of spills will come out of any clothing and, in some cases, actually clean material.

RANDOM KID: This water tastes great.

RANDOM KID2: Drink it before it evaporates.

Panel 4. The crowd diminishes leaving the area disheveled with Dixie cups. Principal Judge holds a Dixie cup to examine it.

PRINCIPAL JUDGE: I’ve been dying of thirst all day. I’m marking you down for an honorable mention.

CARTER: Dehydration is the number one enemy of the common mountain hiker.

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